Alternate Energy Systems, Inc.
LPG Vaporizers - LP/Air Blenders - Gas/Gas Blenders - NatGas Backup Systems - PeakShaving Systems
Standby Systems Sizing Chart
Simplified Sizing Chart for the Selection of Equipment for LPG/Air Standby Plants
Sizing Chart


A Determine maximum natural gas flow rate in MMBTU/h, using the olive colored scale on the far-right of the graphic.
B From natural gas rate on olive scale, draw horizontal line (1) to the olive-colored diagonal line, then a vertical line (2) and read required vaporization in gallons per hour from green scale. Select a LPG vaporizer at least this large.
C Draw horizontal line (3) from intersection of line (1) and the olive-colored diagonal line to the purple-colored diagonal line, then a vertical line (4) and read air requirements in SCFM from blue scale (in Standard Cubic Feet per Minute). Select a compressor at least this large.
D Draw horizontal line (5) from intersection of line (3) and the purple-colored diagonal line to the red scale on the far-left of the graphic and read MSCFH Mixed Gas from red scale (in hundreds of thousands of Standard Cubic Feet per Hour).   Select a Propane-Air Mixer at least this large.
NOTE This chart is for approximate sizing purposes only. For final system sizing, complete calculations must be made. You can also click on the link in the title box to open an Excel Worksheet to perform more detailed calculations.
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